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Is the Eucharist The True Blood and Flesh Of Christ Or Just A Symbol?

Holy Eucharist

Mass is called "breaking of the bread", you can also refer it in the book of "Europe before modern time by O'Brien". The question is; did the Eucharist the true blood and flesh of Christ or just a symbol? The answer is yes Eucharist is the true blood and flesh of Christ, Jesus Christ speaking exactly this. He never said it was a symbol of my body and blood, he did not say so. So, in the book of John, we can read that some of his disciples left him because of that doctrine. But our Lord did not say that I was just joking. Let's read the verse for more clear.

John 6:53

Jesus said to them, "Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.

Yes, He said that one that should eat of his flesh for the salvation! Then we continue to verse 60 says;

John 6:60

On hearing it, many of his disciples said, "This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?"

Although nobody says to Jesus Christ that the disciples were complaining about this lesson, he knew it. Then, he turned to his disciple; does it cool your faith in me?

See that? He even not saying, I'm just joking. He confirms that "I was saying that this is my blood and my flesh", does it cool you? And will you also have left me? And Peter answering said, why do we leave you, Lord, that you brought the word of life? That situation shows St. Peter's leadership of the apostles.

Is it possible that bread can be his flesh and blood?

There are many things Christ makes an amazing story, like for example "He changes the law of nature". He went to the water, instead of dipping him, but finally, he got up. Those who married in Cana, he made the water into a wine. He changes the law of nature "multiplication", in some cases, little fish and bread were filled with thousands of people. That's what our Lord is preparing for this Eucharist, that he has said it is my body and it is my flesh, he has prepared people to understand this doctrine.

So the question that "Is the Eucharist is the living flesh and blood of Christ?", The answer is true. Paul said to the Corinthians;

1 Corinthians 11:27

So then, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty concerning the body and blood of the Lord.

So, if it is not his body and blood, will we be offended? That is the answer about "Eucharist" to the question of "Is the Eucharist is the true blood and body of Christ or just a symbol?".

May understand that topic about the Eucharist. If you do not get it, just comment below.

Tags: eucharist catholic, why is the eucharist important, eucharist meaning and significance, eucharist vs communion, eucharist symbols, holy eucharist mass, eucharist miracles, the power of the holy eucharist

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